
Archer Adds Trading Service to its Selective Outsourcing Options

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Archer® has announced the addition of trade administration to its suite of investment outsourcing services. The new outsourcing service provides managers with a solution that helps streamline their operations, enabling them to better focus on fundamental strengths. The expanded product offering follows the acquisition of selected money manager outsourcing operations from Lockwood Solutions, announced last week, further demonstrating Archer’s commitment to providing a complete investment management solution.

The trade administration services offered have been designed to act as an extension of a manager’s trading function, providing maintenance trading related to rebalances, new accounts, contributions, and withdrawals, in addition to other trade support functions. Model management and model delivery capabilities can also be leveraged to simplify managers’ participation in model-only programs. The operations staff running the trade services will be overseen by Stephen Tartaglia. Stephen joined Archer from Lockwood Solutions in May, bringing with him nearly two decades of separate account operations experience.

“With the excellent tools and efficiency that Archer’s technology provides, we have anticipated providing maintenance trading and deeper trade support for some time. We are thrilled to now bring that to market,” said Bryan Dori, CEO of Archer. Speaking about the resources recently acquired, Bryan noted, “Adding operational talent is always a good thing for an outsourcing team, and Archer is dedicated to building that team in the Philadelphia region.”

The new trade administration services are part of Archer’s selective outsourcing. Selective outsourcing is an Archer-exclusive innovation that allows managers to customize a solution by selecting only those services needed. The ability to expand which services are used means that managers are able to easily meet new demands from targeted product growth or entry into a new channel. Ultimately, outsourcing some or all of operations enables the successful investment manager to focus on fundamental strengths while better aligning cost with success and scale.

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